During the first scene we are introduced to Tony as a confident teenage boy who looks after himself, this is immediately illustrated by him working out once he gets up in the morning. In addition he checks himself out in the mirror when he wakes up which shows he is slightly arrogant and self obsessed. Another example of his confidence is when he stares at the naked women across the street knowing that she will stare back at him, this insinuates he is confident around women which contrastswith his best friend Syd who is introduced later on.

Initially from the appearance of his room it is a stereotypical lads room with posters, clothes and a stereo, however upon closer inspection you notice the smaller details. The film posters are vintage 80's Italian classics such as 'Blow up' (Antonioni) and 8 1/2 (Fedrico Fellini), this indicates that Tony has finer interests in life other than the stereotypical 'lad' interests. Another thing which we are drawn towards is his clothes are perfectly ironed and folded in his draws, this again you would not expect from a lad of his age.
As we carry on through the scene we find out that Tony is just a normal rebellious teenager, first shown when he plays the music extremely loud, not only to help his also rebellious sister into the house after a night out but to annoy his dad, who seems to be losing control of the family and tony is very much in control, passive aggressively. And again when he sneaks out the bathroom window simply just to annoy his dad and subtly prove that he is in control.
When we are introduced to Tony's friends we notice that they are all binary opposites, we have maxi, who is gay, Anwar who is a Muslim, Syd who is a nerd, and Chris who is in bed with a girl, his friendship group is very broad and he appears to be the ringleader who is ringing everyone up and trying to organise the party, it is clear that if tony says something the rest will follow from the start. he is also very sexist towards his girlfriend, constantly calling her 'nips' referring to her apparent funny nipples and tries to get her to help out with Syd being a virgin, as if she doesn't have a choice, yet he does this in a charming and witty manner. Tony is very patronising to Syd as well, he tells him that he is embarrassing because he hasn't lost his virginity by the age of 16 and constantly insults him, but yet again he seems to do it in a passive aggressive way that comes of as charming and friendly.
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